Apartmen NO.216 with area 35.53 m2

Apartment information

Apartment number 216
Typ 1+kk
Orientation West
Furnished Yes
Security deposit from: 23 991 Kč / 952 €
Status available from 13.10.2022

Monthly payments

Rent 21 420 Kč / 850 €
Electricity including heating 2 369 Kč / 94 €
Water and sewage charges 756 Kč / 30 €
Other services 1 000 Kč / 45 €
VAT 3 082 Kč / 123 €
Total 28 761 Kč / 1 142 €
for the full occupancy of the apartment - max. 2 persons

VAT deductibility for taxpayers.

Apartment dimensions

vestibule 4.37 m2
room with kitchenette 19.62 m2
bathroom 4.99 m2
balcony 6.55 m2
In all 35.53 m2

Detailed description of the apartment

Apartment location

Energy performance certificate of the building

Energy performance certificate of the building - Energy performance certificate of the building

Contact us

If you are interested in more detailed information about the apartment, or if you are interested in booking the apartment please contact us via this form. We will contact you no later than the next working day.